Are cigars only enjoyed with dark liquor?
Absolutely not! While bourbon and other dark liquors are classic pairings for cigars, you definitely have other options. Here's why:
Variety is Key: Cigars come in a wide range of flavors and strengths, so the ideal drink should complement those qualities. Darker liquors tend to be bolder and can overpower a milder cigar.
Lighter Options: For a more refreshing experience, consider lighter beverages like:
Light beers: Lagers or pilsners can cleanse the palate between puffs and complement a light-bodied cigar.
Crisp white wines: A Sauvignon Blanc can cut through the richness of the smoke and enhance the subtler flavors of a mild cigar.
Beyond Beer and Wine: Other options include:
Aged tequilas: These can hold their own against a full-bodied cigar and even add a touch of smokiness.
Cognac or brandy: These offer a refined sweetness that pairs well with a Maduro wrapper cigar (a darker, richer leaf).
Ultimately, the best drink to pair with your cigar is the one you enjoy the most. Experiment with different options based on the cigar's strength and flavor profile to find your perfect match.